Tips on Duplicating Garage Gate Keyfobs – Position Matters

This post is the second part of duplicating existing keyfobs – using cloning remote duplicator series.

In the previous post, we have explained basic information on how to find the best duplicating position for each cloning keyfob model, the basic principle is to reduce the metal blocking as much as possible.

The whole series is to solve one most commonly asked questions by customers – why my remote doesn’t work, even the LED on cloning keyfob shows the process is successful?

First, the answer is, cloning keyfob is not so clever to know whether the copied signal is the same as original one or works, the LED only shows it has recorded some signal.

In the following section, we will show you two actual recorded signal by exactly the same SR-RCD-M1 cloning keyfob in spectrum analyzer, both time the LED shows it is a successful copy, we will also attach screenshot using original remote Linear MultiCode in spectrum analyzer.

As you can easily guess, to make cloning remotes work, the image on spectrum analyzer should be the same or similar between original and copy remote – which means the code is successfully cloned, let’s find out.


The above image is recorded using original Linear MultiCode 300MHz transmitter made by Linear Corporation, you can take a note of the spectrum coding and compare with the following two.


The above image is recorded using our SR-RCD-M1 remote transmitter made by Solidremote – after capturing / duplicating the original signal, you can see the image is very much similar as original Linear, which means it will most likely work.


The above image is using exactly the same SR-RCD-M1 remote transmitter – the only difference is we tried to clone several times to find a not-so-good position, to deliberately make the copied data un-usable, as you can see from above photo.

Here comes the conclusion, sometimes the only difference between good and bad copy is they’re using different cloning position, that’s why sometimes we have to try several times to get a working copy.