For newly developed remote control transmitter or receiver project, we always recommend our customer to use 433.92Mhz frequency or known as 433Mhz or 434Mhz in some places, as there are many advantages for choosing this frequency. When starting a remote control transmitter and receiver project, most times customer won’t ask which frequency to use, as …
Continue ReadingRemote Control Transmitter FCC ID Common Questions
Here are some common questions asked regarding FCC ID testing for typical RF remote control transmitter, should you have any questions, please let us know. Q1 – What is the difference between intentional and non-intentional radiation? A1 – An intentional radiator, normally known as transmitter, radiates a controlled frequency. An non-intentional radiator radiates unwanted RF …
Continue ReadingFCC ID Testing For Short Range Remote Control Transmitters
This blog post will focus on FCC ID testing for short range remote control transmitters, or known as SRD – short range devices, these devices mainly work on ISM frequency band, and these remotes will need to be tested in regulatory labs before legally sell on market, for USA market, the test labs would be …
Continue ReadingPT4302 Superheterodyne Receiver Module Data Rate Settings
During recent development project on FCC certified remote control transmitter and relay receiver kit, we have found our PT4302 superheterodyne receiver module becomes unstable or impossible to decode transmitter data when data rate is set to more than 5kbps, after hooked up undecoded data stream from receiver module on oscilloscope, we have found the reason …
Continue ReadingTips on Designing FCC Certified Remote Control Transmitter
Customer always has minimum operating distance requirement when we design RF remote controls, sometimes customer will require line of sight distance of approx. 200 meters or more, so aside from using high sensitivity remote control receiver module, we also have to make sure that transmitter side has enough transmit power. But the problem is, FCC …
Continue ReadingBuilding FCC Certified Handheld Remote Control Transmitter
For legally distribute in USA and Canada market, RF remote control transmitters must be certified by FCC approved labs and get a FCC ID, the testing procedure can be carried either by manufacturer in China or by seller in USA. The major remote control parameter that FCC require is simply limit RF transmission power in …
Continue ReadingRemote Control Duplicator Cloning Difficulties Technical Background
From the previous remote control duplicator blog series, you may know that copying position is very important in getting signal successfully copied, and the back to back position usually works the best. But for customers that haven’t seen the blog post yet, they may use various positions such as place two remotes side by side …
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220VAC RF Wireless Receiver Design Using High Efficiency LNK304PN Switching Converter
220VAC RF receiver means wireless receiver which directly draws power from power outlet that can be found in home and office, the standard voltage is different worldwide, for example, Western Europe has used a mains electricity supply rated at nominally 220VAC 50Hz while UK used 240VAC 50Hz, they are interchangable in most circumstances, as for …
Continue ReadingLong Range Remote Control Operating Distance Field Test
This operating distance field test is conducted during early 2013, using our 4 button long range remote control SR-TX-401 and matching new generation 2-channel receiver SR-RCS-202U, since the receiver module on SR-RCS-202U is also used by our one channel receiver SR-RCS-201U and four channel receiver SR-RCS-204U, so the operating distance should be same or similar …
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