This is the second post of our ‘the road to better receiver’ series, in the previous chapter, we have focused on how to design better receiver’s key component, the receiver module, while receiver module is important, it is not the only important component on receiver, in this chapter, we will focus on another basic part, …
Continue ReadingRemote Control Switch
The Road to Better Receiver – Receiver Modules
This is the first post of ‘the road to a better receiver’ series, in which we’re planning to share a story in how to build a better wireless receiver for everyone. In the first series, we will mainly focus on one of the most important component of wireless receiver, which is the receiver module. Here …
Continue ReadingThe Definitive Wireless Relay Receiver Guide
Although usually we need more RF remote control transmitters than wireless receivers, and usually we will carry transmitters around, we always see them (that’s why you will hear transmitters more often than receivers), but for something to be done, you will always need a complete RF remote control system, and the receiver is a integral …
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Relay Working Mode – Momentary, Toggle and Latched
Common RF remote control switch / RF relay board can be chosen from either of 3 working modes: Momentary, Latched or Toggle. These 3 working modes are either by using different 2272 decoder ICs (2272-M4 for Momentary, 2272-L4 for Latched, 2272-T4 for Toggle) or using our programmable smart RF relay board (using Jumpers and MCUs). Short …
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220VAC RF Wireless Receiver Design Using High Efficiency LNK304PN Switching Converter
220VAC RF receiver means wireless receiver which directly draws power from power outlet that can be found in home and office, the standard voltage is different worldwide, for example, Western Europe has used a mains electricity supply rated at nominally 220VAC 50Hz while UK used 240VAC 50Hz, they are interchangable in most circumstances, as for …
Continue Reading12V Remote Control Relay Switch RP11 / RM100 Replacement Receiver
If you are looking for simple relay switch to make contact on or off remotely, in projects like home automation, automobile or boat etc. then we would recommend our SR-RCS-201U and SR-RCS-202U receiver, which can power your project with wireless function in a click. If you have some experience with eBay bestseller RP11 – 12V …
Continue ReadingConvert Relay Voltage Free Contact / Dry Contact to Power Output Contact
Since our wireless relay receiver SR-RCS-202U and SR-RCS-201U are all voltage free contact / dry contact relays, so they don’t output voltage or power at all, sometimes customer needs to use our relay to output power to their target circuit, here we explains how to convert default voltage free contact / dry contact to terminal …
Continue ReadingSimple Easy to Use RF Receiver SR-RCS-201U with Low Power Consumption
If your application requirement is simple, such as to wirelessly turn circuit on or off, then you may use our SR-RCS-201U one channel receiver kit. Sharing the same technology as our mainstream SR-RCS-202U receiver, you can expect the same performance such as remote control range and stability. Also you may enjoy a lower standby current …
Continue ReadingMagnetic Door Sensor and SR-RCS-202U Wireless Receiver
One of our customers asked – I am interested in your device – SR-RCS-202U. I would like to know if you have a matching magnetic door sensor that can transmit to work with this receiver unit? And here is our reply from sales department. Yes we can do some software changes to make our SR-RCS-202U compatible …
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